Raids in Crimea: 60 people detained at Simferopol central market on suspicion of extremism. VIDEO+PHOTOS – apprehension, Crimea, repressions, Crimean Tatars, Reprisals in Russian-occupied Crimea, Raids in Crimea, Terror in Crimea (06.04.17 18:24) « News |

In Russian-occupied Crimea, agents of the Center for Combating Extremism (Center E) raided the central market of Simferopol and detained 60 people.

Kilde: Raids in Crimea: 60 people detained at Simferopol central market on suspicion of extremism. VIDEO+PHOTOS – apprehension, Crimea, repressions, Crimean Tatars, Reprisals in Russian-occupied Crimea, Raids in Crimea, Terror in Crimea (06.04.17 18:24) « News |