By Aric Toler, Bellingcat One of the most common issues for researchers and journalists is verifying user-generated video content, most often found on social networks and file sharing platforms, such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and so on. There is no silver bullet to verify every video, and it may be nearly impossible to verify some videos short of acquiring the original file from the source. However, there is a range of methods we can use to verify most content, especially as it relates to making sure that videos showing breaking news events are not recycled from previous incidents. There are already numerous guides online for verifying video, most notably in the Verification Handbook. This guide will include some extra quirks frequently used by the Bellingcat team, and make an effort to provide our readers with ways to work around the limitations of the available tools. After reading this guide, hopefully you will not only know how to use this tool set, but also how to use