If you don’t give us money, we’ll go to Russia. Ukraine Blackmails West with EU Membership, declared a recent headline in the Russian web publication Inforeaktor. Accompanied by a photograph of Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko this fake story is a classic example Russian disinformation, implying that Poroshenko really said “If you don’t give us money, we’ll go to Russia” while meeting with EU leaders. The Ukrainian President said no such thing; the video from the EU Ukraine summit proves that. So who actually uttered this phrase? His name is David Giberman and he’s a political pundit for ultra-right and radical Russian fringe sites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJyB8rsw6QM But first things first. Inforeaktor story cites an opinion piece on Ukraine-EU relations by one Yevhen Yaroshenko, an analyst from the International Centre for Policy Studies. Writing on the center’s official website Apostrof, Yaroshenko erroneously connects the Association Agreement with EU membership,