Pompeo pledges military aid to Ukraine, Poroshenko says | UNIAN Kilde: Pompeo pledges military aid to Ukraine, Poroshenko says | UNIAN
NATO calls on Russia to free Ukrainian sailors without delay | UNIAN Kilde: NATO calls on Russia to free Ukrainian sailors without delay | UNIAN
Ingen ekstremister blant de arresterte i Paris-opptøyene – Document Kilde: Ingen ekstremister blant de arresterte i Paris-opptøyene – Document
Arrangerer demonstrasjoner mot FNs migrasjonsavtale: – Politikerne er den nye adelen | Resett Kilde: Arrangerer demonstrasjoner mot FNs migrasjonsavtale: – Politikerne er den nye adelen | Resett
Russia’s «court» in Crimea orders seven Ukrainian sailors be detained for two months, hearings continue | UNIAN Kilde: Russia’s «court» in Crimea orders seven Ukrainian sailors be detained for two months, hearings continue | UNIAN
Reuters: European politicians call for new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine | UNIAN Kilde: Reuters: European politicians call for new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine | UNIAN
Navy Commander to captured sailors: Brothers!.. Law is on our side… Fear is a natural thing | UNIAN Kilde: Navy Commander to captured sailors: Brothers!.. Law is on our side… Fear is a natural thing | UNIAN
Martial law in Ukraine to suspend further Russian aggression for some time – expert | UNIAN Kilde: Martial law in Ukraine to suspend further Russian aggression for some time – expert | UNIAN
Firing to kill: Photo shows aftermath of Russian warship’s attack on Ukrainian Navy boat | UNIAN Kilde: Firing to kill: Photo shows aftermath of Russian warship’s attack on Ukrainian Navy boat | UNIAN
Ukraine’s Joint Forces put on full alert – war news Kilde: Ukraine’s Joint Forces put on full alert – war news