BRUSSEL (Aftenposten): De allierte i Europa møter et lunkent USA. Den nye utenriksministeren meldte avbud til sitt aller første møte med resten av NATO.
Kilde: Da Trumps mann ville droppe sitt første møte, gikk alarmen i NATO – Aftenposten
BRUSSEL (Aftenposten): De allierte i Europa møter et lunkent USA. Den nye utenriksministeren meldte avbud til sitt aller første møte med resten av NATO.
Kilde: Da Trumps mann ville droppe sitt første møte, gikk alarmen i NATO – Aftenposten
ÅLESUND (Aftenposten): Samme dag som Venstre starter landsmøtet sitt, kjempes det en knallhard kamp for åpen scene i det kriserammede partiet.
Kilde: Full konflikt i Venstre: Borsch raser mot «illojal» Raja – Aftenposten
Eliot Higgins and his Bellingcat website are investigating Russia’s military campaign in Syria.
Kilde: The Citizen Journalists Challenging Assad And Putin’s Story Of War | The Huffington Post
By Jim Kovpak, for StopFake Since 2014, Ukraine has been one of the Russian state media’s favorite topics. So much so, that the major state-run networks will sometimes totally ignore major events in Russia to cover run-of-the-mill stories in Ukraine. The most recent example was last Sunday, when news presenter and Rossiya Segodnya chief Dmitry Kiselyov told viewers about rampant corruption in Ukraine while ignoring mass anti-corruption protests which had taken place in over 80 Russian cities that very day. The themes have been repeated endlessly since 2014- Ukraine has totally collapsed and is a failed state. Ukraine is on the point of collapse, starvation, and freezing due to lack of fuel for the winter. Ukraine is a puppet of the US. So shrill are Russia’s pundits and commentators, they often neglect to notice the stark contradiction between their claims. If Ukraine supposedly became a failed state in 2014, how could it have been in danger of becoming a failed state multiple times
Kilde: Sorry, ‘Experts,’ but Ukraine Has Not Yet Died: An Investigation
Russian/rebel troops have used Russia’s newest artillery to shell |Ukraine army positions near Avdiivka March 30, the army reports.
Terrorist leader Alexander Khodakovsky publicly announced his intention to kill deputy chief of the Donetsk SBU counter-intelligence unit Oleksandr Kharaberiush.
Ukraine’s Security Service Colonel Oleksandr Kharaberiush was killed in Ukraine’s front line city of Mariupol (the Donetsk region) in a powerful blast that destroyed his car.