Rakel Chukri om rekryterade terrorister som utför attacker på hemmaplan.
Forfatter: morten@city-fun.com
Vad händer efter IS kollapsat i Syrien och Irak? | Aftonbladet
Vad händer efter att terrorgruppen IS ”kalifat” faller?
Kilde: Vad händer efter IS kollapsat i Syrien och Irak? | Aftonbladet
Många skadade i skjutning på nattklubb i Ohio | Aftonbladet
Minst 16 personer skjutits på en nattklubb i Cincinnati i östra USA.
Kilde: Många skadade i skjutning på nattklubb i Ohio | Aftonbladet
Fake: Ukraine’s President Acknowledges Donbas Loss
Kyiv has lost the Donbas, Ukraine loses control over the Donbas, even the president admits this – such headlines heralded the latest fakes presented this week by Russia’s best and brightest disinformation entities. Website screenshot mk.ru Russia Today, NTV, TVC, Lenta.ru, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ukraina.ru, Argumenty I Fakty, RBK, Russian Defense Ministry channel Zvezda, Novorossiya and others all disseminated this fake story. Russian media claimed that Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko admitted to losing the Donbas in a March 20 speech he delivered to the Regional Development Council. Website screenshot president.gov.ua Poroshenko did talk about the Donbas occupied territories in his speech, what he spoke about however, was losing influence in these territories, in no way did he suggest that these areas are lost to Ukraine. The text of Poroshenko’s speech to the Development Council meeting is available on the President’s web site, the televised video of the event is available on
Putin to attack Mariupol soon, Russian opposition politician warns
“A Russian liberal patriot warned me that Moscow will soon launch a massive military operation in the Mariupol zone, Ukrainian diplomat Vadym Trukhanov writes in Facebook March 26.
Kilde: Putin to attack Mariupol soon, Russian opposition politician warns
U.S. vs Russia: US introduced sanctions against eight more Russian companies – Russia, sanctions, USA, Sanctions against Russia, U.S. vs Russia, Rosobornexport (26.03.17 09:34) « News | EN.Censor.net
The U.S. Administration has imposed sanctions on eight more Russian companies accusing them of violating U.S. non-proliferation law concerning Iran, North Korea and Syria since 2009.
ATO HQ reports 81 enemy attacks in Donbas, 8 troops wounded and injured in past day
12.000 dollar fra russisk hvitvaskingsskandale endte opp hos elektronikkfabrikk i Fredrikstad – Aftenposten
Kriminelle skal ha klart å hvitvaske over 100 milliarder kroner ut av Russland. Av dette endte 73.500 kroner opp i en elektronikkfabrikk i Østfold.
Politiet: Masood var alene om London-angrepet – Aftenposten
Politiet mener Khalid Masood var alene om London-angrepet. Men motivet finner de neppe.
Kilde: Politiet: Masood var alene om London-angrepet – Aftenposten
Spesialstyrker mot demonstranter: – Hviterussland blir aldri det samme etter dette – Hviterussland – VG
Den hviterussiske presidenten Aleksandr Lukasjenko brukte spesialstyrker mot fredelige demonstranter lørdag.