War in Donbas: Militants suffered heavy losses in battle near Vodiane – fighter, marines, shoot out, Donbas, military actions, Russian aggression against Ukraine, War in Donbas, Russian intervention (22.03.17 15:02) « Incidents « Video news | EN.Censor.net
Russian secret services in Ukraine: Military counterintelligence, SBU disclosed Russian spy ring in Odesa, detained nine persons. VIDEO – apprehension, Odesa, intelligence, Russia, Security Service of Ukraine, special services, Oleksandr Tkachuk, Russian secret services in Ukraine (22.03.17 13:47) « Video news | EN.Censor.net
Russian world: Donbas militants rob residents of fake republics – fighter, trading, Donbas, Denys Kazanskyi, Occupied territories – Crimea and Donbas, Russian world, Customs between «DPR”/»LPR» (22.03.17 13:08) « Oddities « News | EN.Censor.net
Ukraine speaks up at UN: Russia continues sponsoring Donbas terrorists
UK notes «under-reported facet» of violence in eastern Ukraine
AP: Trumps tidligere valgkampsjef prøvde å fremme Putins interesser – VG
Donald Trumps tidligere valgkampsjef Paul Manafort jobbet for å fremme interessene til Vladimir Putin for ti år siden, ifølge nyhetsbyrået AP.
Kilde: AP: Trumps tidligere valgkampsjef prøvde å fremme Putins interesser – VG
Russians using phosphorous ammunition in Donbas
Near Mariupol, the Russian/rebel troops have used illumination mines containing poisonous agents emitting phosphorous gas, Pavlo Yurchuk, a Ukraine army serviceman, says.
Da Oksana satte baby-rekord, fikk hun gratis leilighet og bil. Europa trenger desperat flere barn. – Aftenposten
ODESSA (Aftenposten): I flere europeiske land daler folketallet mye raskere enn fryktet. Ukraina har falt mest. Derfor ble Oksana superhelt da hun fødte fem babyer.