Kilde: Amid tough talk from Trump, U.S. quietly cutting nuclear arsenal | CTV News
Two Russians charged over £2m malware attack on UK banks | UK news | The Guardian
‘Sorry, Mr. President, that’s not how NATO works’: Ex-U.S. NATO rep responds to Donald Trump – National |
Market angst about France infects whole of EU | Reuters
North Korea’s rocket engine test: World will ‘soon witness’ significance –
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the test of a new high-thrust engine seen as a «great leap forward» for the country’s rocket industry, state media reported.
Kilde: North Korea’s rocket engine test: World will ‘soon witness’ significance –
Syria war: Damascus sees fierce clashes after rebel attack – BBC News
The military responds with air strikes following rebel artillery and rocket attacks, witnesses say.
Kilde: Syria war: Damascus sees fierce clashes after rebel attack – BBC News
Fake: Hunger in Ukraine
A new theme proving very popular in Russian media is the alleged hungry winter Ukraine is living through. Leading the pack with this fake story is none other than Russia’s Defense Ministry television channel Zvezda, which announced recently that hungry Ukrainians are driven to scrounge for bread quite literally thrown to the birds. Website screenshot Zvezda Zvezda’s source is a Facebook post by Lada Laferova from Odesa, who claims that she herself saw a poor woman eating bread someone had thrown to pigeons. Ms. Laferova illustrates her post with a photograph, showing a woman crouching by a flock of pigeons eating bread. Laferova’s timeline features several pro-Russian posts, photographs of a snowy Odesa, but no post or photo of pigeons and poor hungry women. Russian media took the theme even further, speculating about the possibility of food riots and the introduction of food ration cards in Ukraine. RT’s Russian language site writes about ration cards in Ukraine as a future certainty
Kilde: Fake: Hunger in Ukraine